Uncle who?

Uncle who?

CrossFit is great… except when it isn’t. It seems odd to me to be entering another era of overtraining in the workout world. Didn’t that go out with the puffed up body builder culture of the 80s? I thought we were all much smarter now. Alas, it seems that what we have is a culture of smart dummies in that CrossFit and its off-shoots and wannabes have inspired a gaggle of know-it-all self-appointed “trainers”  and their acolytes who have some basic fitness knowledge and a will to beat the “competition.” These folks only seem to recognize body wisdom and exercise intelligence when it is based on how hard the person espousing it trains.

While high level athleticism is certainly inspiring and admirable, sometimes less is more, kids. Exercise smarter, not harder – it may be more than just a cliche’.

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