Uncle who?

Uncle who?

CrossFit is great… except when it isn’t. It seems odd to me to be entering another era of overtraining in the workout world. Didn’t that go out with the puffed up body builder culture of the 80s? I thought we were all much smarter now. Alas, it seems that what we have is a culture of smart dummies in that CrossFit and its off-shoots and wannabes have inspired a gaggle of know-it-all self-appointed “trainers”  and their acolytes who have some basic fitness knowledge and a will to beat the “competition.” These folks only seem to recognize body wisdom and exercise intelligence when it is based on how hard the person espousing it trains.

While high level athleticism is certainly inspiring and admirable, sometimes less is more, kids. Exercise smarter, not harder – it may be more than just a cliche’.

A cool blog you should follow….



Sami woman on skis, adapted from Olaus Magnus, 1883 (an excellent skiing goddess I found on Wikipedia).

When Things Don’t Click

Having reduced my cold to a pesky cough, I returned to Sewall woods a few days ago. We’d gotten a few inches of snow, and remembering my beautiful ski from a week ago, I decided to head out for a repeat. I took the borrowed woodies and some purple wax and headed out into the sunny afternoon. Twenty feet into the trees, I was navigating around roots and rocks, but I figured the conditions would improve further on. There is zero logic to that assumption, other than my eagerness to be on skis in the woods, and it took well over an hour for me to face the fact that the skiing conditions were terrible! For every few yards of skiing, I spent triple that time attempting to straddle…

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Some thoughts on Lance Armstrong from my other endeavor…



Lance Armstrong. Come on. Is that really his name?

I have always wondered… It’s a bit too “Max Power,” “Dudley Do-right” or “Wes Mantooth” to be true.

And now, with the current sad state of affairs, I am feeling more and more like the fates have been so fickle. I mean, why should he get Lance Armstrong when others are cursed with names like Dick Butkus or Guy Whimper? It just doesn’t add up… Just like Lance’s story didn’t add up. But you know what does add up? The dollar bills in Armstrong’s bank account. And this in spite of his bold faced lies, bullying and self-satisfied, unrepentant douche-baggery. Although, now, to hear him tell it, Lance is “paying the price” for his lies. He will pay some fines, to be sure. It seems likely, however, that the financial impact will be slight since Armstrong is the figure head of…

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